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2 года назад
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Still decent for Atari related discussions
The staff has shown to be corrupt and willing to defend a scam and shady businessman for their own gain.
AtariAge used to be a great forum to go to for talking about retro games, especially the Atari systems. It would have been one of the first places recommended to enthusiasts for years. However, in the last couple of years it has become a safespace for Tommy Tallarico and the Intellivision Amico scam. The mods/admins are biased and do anything to keep Amico related conversations as one-sided as possible, including banning members, even long term ones, who don't toe the party line. As they cover up information that members of the public should know, and push a very biased agenda for an upcoming console by a company seeking money from investors, the way they act is highly irresponsible, and I wouldn't be surprised if illegal in some way. For a forum that used to be as highly regarded as it was, it's a huge shame to see it go the way it has. You can probably still have good Atari related discussions, but the Intellivision Amico/Tommy Tallarico shadow looms heavily over the whole site unfortunately.