
✈️ Доставка товаров из США в Францию ✅ С помощью Бандерольки можно легко и быстро заказать товары из Америки ✅ Qwintry доставит посылки из США с Amazon, Apple, eBay и других американских магазинов, которые не доставляют товары в Францию напрямую 👍
Отзыв: 21
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Отзывы 21
1 Отзыв
1 месяц назад
Very reliable service. Everything arrived on time and in perfect condition.
1 Отзыв
1 месяц назад
I ordered the latest smartwatch, which was not yet available in the Indian market. The service provided a detailed tracking system, and my order arrived safely within the estimated delivery time. The product was genuine and in perfect condition.
A bit pricey with shipping and customs, but worth it
1 Отзыв
2 месяца назад
Ordered a fragile ceramic vase using Qwintry. It was packed perfectly and arrived in Melbourne without a single crack. Highly recommend!
1 Отзыв
2 месяца назад
Their commitment to their customers is simply outstanding!
1 Отзыв
2 месяца назад
I use Qwintry for buying kitchen things from USA. Very happy with how they do service. They take care of all my orders, pack everything nice and safe. I always get my things in good condition, no break. Their website easy to use, I not get confused. Customer people are kind and help me when I need. Very good for buying from abroad.
2 Отзыва
3 месяца назад
The delivery cost was about $40, which seemed fair. The packages arrived earlier than expected and in pristine condition. The process was hassle-free, and customer service was helpful throughout.
1 Отзыв
3 месяца назад
Ordered home decor items to Vancouver. Everything was intact, and delivery was prompt.
Great experience!
1 Отзыв
3 месяца назад
Used the service to send a laptop to Adelaide. It arrived safely and the communication throughout the process was great
2 Отзыва
3 месяца назад
Their package forwarding service is efficient and reliable. Recently, I ordered a set of headphones and some accessories, and Qwintry delivered them to Mumbai without any hassle. Their customer service is commendable; they were prompt in addressing my queries about customs and delivery timelines.
Highly recommended!
1 Отзыв
3 месяца назад
This service has given me access to a variety of international products. The shipping is prompt, and tracking updates are regular and accurate.
1 Отзыв
3 месяца назад
Ordered tech gadgets using Qwintry. Efficient delivery to Toronto, although the fees were a bit high. Overall, a convenient service
2 Отзыва
4 месяца назад
Having used their services lots of times, I feel well-equipped to share my experience with others considering their platform. Their website is straightforward to navigate, and the process of setting up a parcel forwarding request is simple. Also you can buy multiple products from different US online stores, have them all sent to Qwintry address, and then receive them in one package. This has saved me a considerable amount in shipping fees. Every time I've had a query or faced an issue, their customer service was prompt and helpful. They even guided me when I was unsure about customs and import duties for my country.
While Qwintry's shipping rates are competitive, they aren't always the cheapest. It's always a good idea to compare rates with other services, but the consolidation feature often compensates for any marginal price differences.
In conclusion, Qwintry has been a reliable and efficient service for my international shopping needs. It bridges the gap between 'available' and 'accessible'. I've recommended it to friends and will continue to use it.
1 Отзыв
4 месяца назад
Great service!
A bit pricey, but worth it for the convenience
Ordered electronics from the USA and qwintry delivered them safely to Hyderabad.
2 Отзыва
4 месяца назад
I've used Qwintry several times to ship to Hyderabad, and my experience has been mostly positive. The delivery times are reasonable, and they handle packages well. However, I've had a couple of instances where the tracking information was not updated promptly, leading to some anxiety. Improvements in real-time tracking would enhance the experience
1 Отзыв
5 месяцев назад
Fast and reliable
A bit pricey
I've been using Qwintry for a few months now, and I'm thoroughly impressed. Their service is fast and reliable. My packages from the US always arrive in great condition. Highly recommend for anyone needing a dependable forwarding service!